You CAN make a difference for the cancer patients, carers and clinicians of our region through the Hastings Cancer Trust, here's how...


  • Make a one-off donation or set up a regular donation through your bank  [Hastings Cancer Trust - BSB: 062-592 Acct # 1100 2949]
  • Consider making the Hastings Cancer Trust the "Charity of Choice" for your Business 


  • Join the Friends of the Hastings Cancer Trust and help us fundraise 
  • Run your own fundraiser or awareness campaign at work, your sporting club, or school. 
  • Hold a charity bowls day, a swim challenge, a craft sale, a themed dinner, or rattle a tin. Contact us so we can acknowledge your efforts and guide you if needed. 


  • Each year around August we invite submissions for the funding of worthy cancer-related projects through our annual grants program. Watch our News page or the Public Notices in local papers for the Call for Submissions.
  • Anyone involved in the management of cancer, or from community organisations that support cancer patients, survivors and carers in the Hastings/Macleay region can make a submission.
  • If you see an unmet need in cancer care and can imagine how it might be met with the appropriate funding, we encourage you to make a submission.


  • Consider making a bequest to the Hastings Cancer Trust in your will. It is simple to arrange and is a final way to live out your commitment to enhancing local cancer services beyond your lifetime. Please contact us if you have questions or for more details.

Hastings Cancer Trust